Jo is from Lurgan. She spent July, August and September 2007 working as a Red Box volunteer in Argentina as part of her gap year. Below are some of her reflections on working with SAMS in Argentina.
Salta in Argentina has impacted me in a way that I pray I will never forget. I only hope I can pass on the lessons and blessings that I have received here. I came to serve in the Red Box Project and, in return, was served by others in ways which went beyond my imagination. During my three months in Salta I have worked in a local orphanage, in a nursery, teaching dance, helping at a soup kitchen, assisting the pastor, preparing activities for other events ….I was pretty busy! The hearts of the people in the church are hearts of kindness, generosity, love, devotion and complete trust in God. In many parts of Argentina money may be a struggle for people but when I see my friends here they are rich in ways that I want in my life. God is at the centre of everything and most importantly in the centre of the hearts of the people. Everything is completely surrounded in prayer and Gods provision is evident. Life is not about striving to be in the best career, with the best clothes or the best house etc. In Salta and through working with the Red Box Project I have learnt the meaning of life. It is about unity and support for one another in hard times. It is about showing love and generosity to the unloved. It is about serving others even if you are not being served. It is about having a passion at all times to follow the will of God even if it may not be what you want. But most of all it about placing your life in the hands of God with a heart of dependency, dedication, trust, faith and love.