Hi one and all! Hope this finds you well!

I haven’t been able to send a newsletter this month because my laptop died and though I got it fixed I still have a big problem with the software, which hopefully is being sorted as I write! As soon as I can I will send out news!

However in the meantime, I just wanted to inform you of something so that you can pray!

The daily situation at Vale has suddenly turned critical, in that our financial sponsors have pulled out, leaving us completely dependent on donations of food, to feed the kids (which thank the Lord we are still able to do, all be it not necessarily healthily!) The other workers have also not received their salary for the past 2 months and we can’t see where it’s going to come from! So it’s all rather shaky, BUT we are still trusting in God and believe that he still has a plan for Vale and the lives of these incredibly vulnerable kids!

Thank you for your continued support. love ali

Mags Southern and Gwen Carlisle’s news from Paraguay is available on request.

God Bless,

Jo Hazelton    MCIPD

Regional Personnel Officer (South America)